Taco Tuesday Salad

Now that the weather is warm my body craves fresh foods and fresh vegetables.  Lately I've been grabbing a head of either/or romaine lettuce and green lettuce and making salads.  With the ends of the heads of lettuce I've been putting them in a glass with an inch or so of water & growing new sprouts of lettuce!  My latest creation was a Taco Salad as introduced below.  Sometime's its nice to have different lunch/dinner inspirations <3


Freshly washed & chopped head of lettuce of choice (or a blend)

Ground meat or alternative product such as Quorn (this is what I use)

Black beans & some canned juice reserve

Chopped raw onions white or yellow


Chip crumbs or crumbled

Cheese - manchego is my top choice here

Taco seasonings if desired (I didnt use any)

Salt & Pepper as desired

Optional: fresh lime


1. Cook the black beans with about 1/3 of the juice reserve from the can, add in the raw onions, bring to a boil and allow to simmer, add the cheese until melted

2. Sautee the meat or meat alternative product of choice - add taco seasoning if desired.  I cooked mine in coconut oil that's aroma free

3. Place the lettuce in bowls

4. Top with all the ingredients. My order for layer is lettuce, then meat, then bean onions cheese mix, then salsa and topped with chip crumbles (The salsa acts as the dressing)

5. Season with salt & pepper if desired and enjoy!

Feeling extra spunky?  Add a squeeze of lime over the top for a bit of zest!


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