Mothers Blessing Ceremony

An offering to the energy of birth for mothers & moms-to-be

friday, October 6th 3-4:30pm ET

Ceremony for mothers & mothers-to- be

As I enter the birth portal, this offering ceremony is to the energy that has birthed us all. This energy is known intimately by mothers (in one way or another) and truly it’s an energy we all have known, for it is how we have entered into this realm.

This mysterious and magical energy truly holds the tension of the opposites as Jung talks about. It’s the energy of birth/death - a powerful and etheric, grounded and heavenly energy. Its the moment we reach up and grab our babes from the stars while simultaneously having our bodies expanded and stretched like never before (no matter if its a vaginal or cesarean birth).

We will explore the portal of birth energy -

This may be from the angle of the mothers from your previous birthing experience(s).

This might be from the angle of the mother-to-be waiting in the void of the unknown for the conception and birth process.

This might be from the angle of when you entered onto this Earth and the energy that as present as you came in & the energy that was present when you landed.

Who is this for

Anyone that identifies as a woman that wants to have a deep and meaningful experience with birthing energy. While we can birth projects and other things, this specific ceremony is for the birthing energy of bringing a child into this world, or being the child that was brought into this world.

During out time together

We will create and open sacred space together in order to be protected and uplifted as we explore the birthing energy. We will do breath work, offer prayers & blessings, do free writing, a guided meditation, energy healing, and have a movement portion. This is an offering for you and all the women that are on the call - an offering to the mystical energy of birth.

Please come with -

  • A notebook/journal and something to write with

  • Space to move your body

  • A fresh glass of water

  • A large bowl filled with water and a shaker of salt

  • Any statues or birth talismans you have that you want to use to set your space and the space for the group

  • Intentions you may be aware of for joining this ceremony

  • A candle

  • Any sacred smoke/incense/mists you use to clear space or create sacred space

Join the Mothers Blessing!


Friday, October 6th 3pm ET




$99 $22.22!